Friday, October 10, 2008

Who needs an Economy?

GM is now worth $3.2 Billion. This is less than what they were worth in 1929, not adjusted for inflation. There are multiple people(or were a week or 2 ago) who could walk up to GM and buy it like it was a flat screen TV. Way to go America. Hey - is the IMF going to give us money now? Why are we listening to all of this crap about Bill Ayers and other non-issues? The next president will inherit a clusterfuck of an economy and be faced with making hard decisions about this country's future. At this point I don't care if the candidates are snorting blow and doing hookers in their campaign vehicles. Who is going to get us back to solvent? Is this even repairable in one term? I'm frightened that the GOP is making any headway by using such blatant fear tactics. What the fuck is wrong with this electorate? Are the Democrats the only people who know how to read? People, stop voting out of fear!!! I hate to generalize, but come on. Unless you're a member of the lucky sperm club, how can you look at a Republican and see a better future. The Republicans pray on people's dreams. They offer solutions to problems by throwing money at rich people and corporations. They then sell you on the solutions, by getting you to believe, that you will one day be rich like them. And you don't want to hamper your options once YOU become rich and powerful. So, you might as well let us help out the rich people now. You'll get yours, when you join our ranks. Except we now get an economy like the one we're in, because of republican policies, and you have no chance in hell of joining their ranks. But their solution is to throw more good money after bad. Half of the country, 98% who aren't in their ranks, want to continue these policies. In hopes that one day they will have money. Why stop the gravy train now, before we get ours? Wake up, vote republican and you'll be getting yours... in a soup kitchen.

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