Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Felonious Punk

Alaskan Senator Ted Stevens finds himself at the wrong end of 7 felony convictions and yet still remains a viable candidate for re-election. If multiple states can prevent felons from ever voting again - why can't we prohibit felons from obtaining an elected office? Wouldn't that seem more prudent? What if Teddy Felony regains his seat? Will we be officially free from reproach if we marginalize the citizens of Alaska based on their intellectual capabilities, or more appropriately - lack thereof?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Republican Inspiration

"It is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Hermann Goering

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Caribou Barbie

It seems the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is really expensive lipstick. It's only fair that if they can spend $150k on Palin's wardrobe and makeup, then Obama should be able to take Biden out on a huge shopping spree. Or at least get him a haircut. It's now evident that she is a completely fabricated individual, created for the benefit of the GOP. Now we know why she doesn't do interviews alone...there's no one to pull the string.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Phony

Well, guess who isn't even a plumber. That's right a guy named Joe the Plumber! It turns out he doesn't hold a plumbing license and owes back taxes. Why is Barack not going after McCain when he starts spouting off about how giving tax breaks to businesses will create jobs? There is no accountability on the part of of the businesses to use that tax break on job creation. As companies have shown, time and again, when given surplus money, it tends to find it's way back to the executives, by way of bonus. Obama's tax break after job creation lends accountability to that program. Tax fairness dictates we raise taxes on people who are being under taxed and lower them on those being over taxed. Or at least make them even. We can always find someone on the financial cusp of being able to realize their dream. If we wanted to raise taxes on only people making $2 million+ a year, there is Joe the Plastic Surgeon - wishing to open his own Beverly Hills, Donda West Memorial Cosmetic Surgery Center. He's now unable to complete the American dream because he's now making less money by a WHOPPING 3%. 3% of 250k is only an extra $7500. If, he is able to make that kind of money, $7500 is a drop in the bucket. If an extra $7500 breaks a business that is able to pay you a Quarter of a Million dollars per year - that's a poorly run business. So the answer to your question Joe - Yes, we are going to raise your taxes...not that you'll pay them anyway.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Last one till E-Day!

Well folks, tonight represents the final opportunity for you to get a preview of the candidates ability to think on their feet. People dismiss debates as priceless TV time taken away from reality TV programming. However, it will be of great interest to many people, to see how many policy questions will be definitively answered. The nation has changed since the Conventions. The stability of our economy is in question and we need to see who's the more responsible defender of our future. We have one candidate feverishly trying to find a responsible path to that stability; and another who is more concerned with walking a slanderous tightrope to try and secure his victory at any cost. I seem to remember that candidate stating that he would rather lose the election and win the war. Well now the battlefields have changed, but the cost of losing is arguably greater. Now, it is win at any cost for McCain. While losing a physical war abroad has it's ill effects on society, it would pale in comparison to losing the war for an economy regained. A victory in this war for McCain would bring a result unacceptable to even Pyrrhus.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Failin' with Palin

Well an Alaskan probe found Palin guilty of abusing her power. She canned a guy who wouldn't fire her ex-brother in law state trooper, who was in a custody battle with her sister. I am going to enjoy the next few days, seeing how this is a partisan attack on her, or Barack's fault. Or maybe she'll just try and incite more people to scream about killing Obama, because he's a terrorist. Maybe they'll just stop calling him Barack altogether, and refer to him only as HUSSEIN Obama. Again, I am frightened that any of these scare tactics might work on enough people to get McCain elected. I am not confident in the American people's judicial abilities. GW has been elected twice, after lying to us about Iraq... after suspending multiple personal freedoms... after giving us Darth Cheney. And on top of everything else Palin wants to expand the role of Vice President to include even greater power and responsibility. She sees Cheney's office, and thinks he doesn't have enough power and influence...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Who needs an Economy?

GM is now worth $3.2 Billion. This is less than what they were worth in 1929, not adjusted for inflation. There are multiple people(or were a week or 2 ago) who could walk up to GM and buy it like it was a flat screen TV. Way to go America. Hey - is the IMF going to give us money now? Why are we listening to all of this crap about Bill Ayers and other non-issues? The next president will inherit a clusterfuck of an economy and be faced with making hard decisions about this country's future. At this point I don't care if the candidates are snorting blow and doing hookers in their campaign vehicles. Who is going to get us back to solvent? Is this even repairable in one term? I'm frightened that the GOP is making any headway by using such blatant fear tactics. What the fuck is wrong with this electorate? Are the Democrats the only people who know how to read? People, stop voting out of fear!!! I hate to generalize, but come on. Unless you're a member of the lucky sperm club, how can you look at a Republican and see a better future. The Republicans pray on people's dreams. They offer solutions to problems by throwing money at rich people and corporations. They then sell you on the solutions, by getting you to believe, that you will one day be rich like them. And you don't want to hamper your options once YOU become rich and powerful. So, you might as well let us help out the rich people now. You'll get yours, when you join our ranks. Except we now get an economy like the one we're in, because of republican policies, and you have no chance in hell of joining their ranks. But their solution is to throw more good money after bad. Half of the country, 98% who aren't in their ranks, want to continue these policies. In hopes that one day they will have money. Why stop the gravy train now, before we get ours? Wake up, vote republican and you'll be getting yours... in a soup kitchen.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Morning Jacket

For those who have tickets to tonight's or tomorrow's Chicago Theatre show - be advised- the shows have been postponed. Jim James has fallen off the stage at an Iowa show and shows have been indefinitely halted. Please feel sorry for me, as I am one of the affected.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


It seems years of yelling at nerdy scientists to grow some balls had unintended consequences...


Debatable Thoughts

Watching yesterday's "Dancing around the Issues with John McCain", he always struck me as something, and I couldn't exactly put my finger on it. And then I came to a realization - He has the same demeanor and salesmanship qualities as an infomercial pitchman and a heavily sedated TV evangelist. Except he's telling us about his 1-800 number and 30 day return policy and we have no idea what he's selling. Please send me your money, My Friends, I promise you'll like what I give you. Trust me. Hey, and if you don't, I have this great 30 day return policy and very reasonable shipping and handling fee. I'm sorry if I sound cynical, but something dawned on me when the market took a nosedive - If we had followed his lead for Privatized Social Security, how many retired seniors would be out on the streets, looking for a means to replenish their now non-existent accounts, with earnings from now non-existent jobs?