Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No sympathy

Sad as it may seem to those who follow celebrities as if they were related to them, I couldn't care less about the fate of people who take their lives into their own hands. Case in point the "tragedy" of Natasha Richardson. Now don't get me wrong aesthetically the world is much worse off without her, however sympathy for her impending demise is something I'm unable to muster. Much like skydiving, sports like skiing have a certain calculated risk about them. People who engage in such behavior accept this risk either expressly or tacitly. Now I'm not advocating we mandate squishy no-one-can-hurt-me-suits, but don't plaster it all over the media about a "tragic" occurrence. Tragedy should by definition elicit pity due to the unforeseen nature of the events that have transpired. An accident from known dangerous activity is an eventuality, albeit a rarity. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The New "Twin Cities"

It was rudely brought to my attention that the Sears Tower is going to be renamed, "The Willis Tower". This would be bad enough, except for the fact it is probably going to garner a new affectionate moniker like...Big Willie. That in conjunction with the Calatrava Spire, or shall we say "Giant Marital Aid by the Lake", and we will be the World's first Diphallic city.