Wednesday, March 18, 2009

No sympathy

Sad as it may seem to those who follow celebrities as if they were related to them, I couldn't care less about the fate of people who take their lives into their own hands. Case in point the "tragedy" of Natasha Richardson. Now don't get me wrong aesthetically the world is much worse off without her, however sympathy for her impending demise is something I'm unable to muster. Much like skydiving, sports like skiing have a certain calculated risk about them. People who engage in such behavior accept this risk either expressly or tacitly. Now I'm not advocating we mandate squishy no-one-can-hurt-me-suits, but don't plaster it all over the media about a "tragic" occurrence. Tragedy should by definition elicit pity due to the unforeseen nature of the events that have transpired. An accident from known dangerous activity is an eventuality, albeit a rarity. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The New "Twin Cities"

It was rudely brought to my attention that the Sears Tower is going to be renamed, "The Willis Tower". This would be bad enough, except for the fact it is probably going to garner a new affectionate moniker like...Big Willie. That in conjunction with the Calatrava Spire, or shall we say "Giant Marital Aid by the Lake", and we will be the World's first Diphallic city.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is a departure from my normal political rambling. I was asked the other day why I'm so interested in these magnificent creatures. Well, I was hooked after watching a show about cuttlefish on PBS when I was a little kid. I don't think I could ever have imagined anything so breathtakingly alien and intriguing when I was that age. The studies I've read about them from that point on have only cemented my love for all things cephalopod. My wife, friends and family all poke fun at me because I won't eat cephalopods - "Oh, my husband won't eat calamari, they're his friends."(said w/ much sarcasm) Unfortunately for those who press further, a flurry of factoids about the depth and breadth of the cephalopods intelligence and general coolness are about to be tossed in their direction. Conversation is then awkwardly steered away from the cephalopod fan-boy like one would steer a conversation away from a Trekkie.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Universal Healthcare

I've figured out how Obama's going to provide universal coverage and a phase-in to single payer health insurance. It's brilliant - We are going to possess an 80% stake in AIG. AIG happens to be the largest US insurance company. Insurance companies are balking at the idea of acceptance of pre-existing conditions. Well, when we can force AIG's hand to do our bidding - this will be a forgone conclusion. Obama will mandate universal coverage and AIG will be there to begrudgingly accept(see carrot; stick) these policies at deeply discounted rates to ensure cornering the market. The government takes on the expense of the inherent losses because we are the main shareholder. AIG turns into a non-profit and operates at a loss from here on out. AIG becomes the de facto government operated single payer provider, a "private" corporation much like Fannie or Freddie. Obama feel free to use this if you aren't already.

PS. Go long on AIG.